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TeruTeru Bouzu
Japanese rain doll "Fine-weather priest, please let the weather be good tomorrow"
became popular during the Edo period among urban dwellers,
whose children would make them the day before the good weather was desired and chant,
Our TeruTeru Bouzu Japanese rain doll made from silk knitting
there are 3 sizes
Large size ...10 cm.height ..... 5 us$ (with hanging rope)
Middle size ... 7 cm.height ..... 4 us$ (with hanging rope)
Small size ......5 cm.height ..... 3 us$ (with keychain ring)
do not include shipping.. please Contact Us for estimate
* All photos ... Click on the picture of the product you want to Zoom in..

Hang them from a window when they wish for sunny weather,
often before a school picnic day. Hanging it upside-down acts as a prayer for rain.
They are a very common superstition in Japan.
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